March 2019 Vendor Newsletter

Spring is just around the corner and so is the Lafayette Jockey Lot Spring Event. On March 16th & 17th the Lafayette Jockey Lot will host a March Event titled “SPRING AHEAD”. This event will include fun activities such as “Build a Birdhouse” (for the younger crowd), Food Demonstrations cooking up tasty treats of “Build a Burrito, Fajita Nachos and Cinnamon Churros” and vendors selling plants and outdoor items will be featured.

March 16th will also feature our “ANNUAL GARAGE SALE”. This year the Lafayette Jockey Lot has partnered with Casa of SoLA. When you or a friend rent a space, your $10.00 Booth Rental Fee will be donated to this worthy organization. Casa of SOLA assists in helping children of need find a secure and safe environment. Refer a friend – Make sure your friend uses you name when signing up at the office – and you will receive a FREE COMBO BASKET COUPON! Spaces are limited so sign up now! What a great way to clear overstocked or dated inventory and spruce up you booths


Congratulations to: Mike Trahan

Mike Trahan March Vendor or the month



Like most things in life, nothing lasts forever and things break or wear out. Should a maintenance repair be required at your booth space or you notice an item requires attention within the market (lightbulbs out, etc…), please report the maintenance issue to the office immediately. A Work Order will be created and the repair will be scheduled within the next 72 hours or immediately if the issue affects use of your rental space or poses a hazard. We cannot repair what we do not know is broken. We need your eyes and ears – Please help us to keep the Jockey Lot well maintained!
* PLEASE NOTE: It is important that Maintenance Repairs be reported to the office and not verbally mentioned to staff as they are out and about in the market attending to business. Like all of us, they have other items they are addressing on their mind and we would not want your repair to be forgotten!


Change your Merchandise – It is amazing how many first-time vendors who come to our market have incredible days. Their second and third day is pretty good too. By the fourth day, their sales slow down. They then tell us how good the market use to be, but is now not so good. We ask them, have you purchased any new merchandise? We actually don’t have to ask the question, because we know the answer. Their stock of good merchandise is gone. The successful vendor is not only restocking base merchandise, but also constantly trying new offerings.

March 2019 Vendor Newsletter PDF